Foto Dirly Indonesian Idol seksi
Dearly Dave Sompie
Menado, North Sulawesi, 10 December 1989
Dearly Dave Sompie or popular with the name Dirly Idol is akting performers and stars, which became popular after the runner-up Indian Idol 3 (2006). Where as the winner at that time and GEA Idol Ihsan Idol runner-up in the position 2.
Male birth Menado, North Sulawesi, 10 December 1989 that his career in the travel and the opportunity to popularize the song Victory winning song in the heart with Ghea Yovie Widianto compilation album.
His career continued to climb and broad akting world. Emergence as a star guest in sinetron Mak Comblang himself early entry into the world and successfully akting 'satisfactory' audience.
Foto Stafan Band|Ringgo, Edo, Rio, Karit, Erik
Ringgo (vokalis), Edo (gitar), Rio (drum), Karit (bass), dan Erik (piano)
[image: Foto Stafan Band|Boy Music Indie Group]
Foto Stafan Band Boy Music Indie Gr...
14 years ago